EU のDebarking Rule (樹皮剥ぎ) 要求に関するWTO通報

EU のDebarking Rule (樹皮剥ぎ) 要求に関するWTO通報

International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures ISPM REPORT No.08‐19
既に 10 月11 月に何度かお伝えしているEU 諸国の樹皮剥ぎ要求とDB マーク要求の撤回につき、EU 政府からWTO への通報がなされました。
結論として、EU向けにDB マークは、来年7月からも一切必要ありません。

2008年11月27 日付のSPS通報No.G/SPS/N/EEC/221/Add.5 によれば:

EU規則2000/29/EC Annex IVを修正して、「EU新規則はISPM No.15による消毒処理とマーキング要求に加えて、従来は、樹皮を剥いだ丸太材木から作ることを要求していたが、これを、木製梱包材ならびにダンネージ材は樹皮が付いていないことを原則とするが、樹皮が3センチ以下の幅であればどんなに長くても良く、また幅が3センチ以上であれば樹皮の面積が50平方センチ以下ならば良い。」とする。樹皮に関するこの規定は2009年7月1日以降施行する。
27 November 2008

Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures



The following communication, received on 14 November 2008, is being circulated at the request of the Delegation of the European Communities.


Wood packaging material circulating under CN Heading 4415 and wood used to wedge and support non-wood cargo (dunnage)

The European Communities notifies hereby the proposal “Draft Commission Directive amending Annex IV to Council Directive 2000/29/EC on protective measures against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products and against their spread within the European Communities” (document SANCO/3247/2008 Rev. 8, available in English).
The new directive concerns the special requirements of wood packaging material (WPM) and wood used to wedge or support non-wood cargo that should be respected for the introduction and movement of these commodities into the EC member States.
Following the technical justification of the IPPC Technical Panel on Forest Quarantine, the new directive replaces the existing import requirement that WPM would need to fulfil.
In addition to the implementation of treatment and marking requirements described in ISPM 15, the new EC import requirements provide that the WPM instead of being produced from debarked round wood from 1 January 2009 onwards, will need to be free from bark with exception for the presence of any number of individual pieces of bark. These should be either less than 3 cm in width (regardless of the length) or, if reater than 3 cm in width, of not more than 50 cm2 in area. This latter free-from-bark requirement will be applicable from 1 July 2009 onwards.


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