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- オーストラリア合板梱包材・ダンネージ材に対する2009年8 月からの新しい輸入規制
オーストラリア合板梱包材・ダンネージ材に対する2009年8 月からの新しい輸入規制
- 2015/11/11

オーストラリア合板梱包材・ダンネージ材に対する2009年8 月からの新しい輸入規制
International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures ISPM REPORT No.09‐14
5月28日付のISPM Report No.09-10 および09-12 にて、2009年8月1日からオーストラリアではPlywood (合板・LVL材など) に関しこれまでの書式(Manufacturer’s Letterhead)を認めない旨、ご連絡しました。この件に関して、当協会にも日本から出荷するもの、中国工場から出荷するものなどにつきいろいろな質問が寄せられています。
豪州でも、この規則変更を発表以来、検疫局に多くの質問が来たそうです。質問に対する回答の整理と規則周知のため8月1日実施をしばし延期することになったようです。また、規則自体の見直しの可能性もあります。 http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/import/general-info/ian/09/38-2009Following the publishing of Notices to Industry 23/2009 and 30/2009, AQIS has received a number of submissions regarding the treatment requirements for plywood/veneer packaging. Until the issues raised in these submissions have been considered, AQIS will continue to accept newly manufactured plywood/veneer statements (as currently required). The Non-Commodity Information Requirements Policy will also be modified to align more closely with current policy requirements. |
この内容によると、従来のnewly manufactured plywood/veneer statements 書式をまだ使ってよいようですが、今まで多く使われてきた商品メーカーや梱包会社・通関業者の書式ではだめです。究極の対応策は、合板やLVLを使わないことです。また、ベニヤ材の代替製品の強化チップボードやOSB材を使うことです。
Packing material made of newly manufactured plywood/veneerAll documentation presented to AQIS as part of the import process must be:complete, legible and in English; free from erasures and non-certified alterations; on manufacturer’s letterhead including company name and address; signed by a representative of the body issuing the document and dated; valid (i.e. manufacturers’ declarations must be less than 6 months old); and linked to the imported consignment by a unique identifier e.g. container number. In addition, documentation for packaging material made from newly manufactured plywood/veneer must include: identification of the country of manufacture; the date of manufacture; and a statement that the plywood/veneer has not been pre-used. Finally, the plywood/veneer must have been manufactured: within 3 months of export from all countries excluding Fiji, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vanuatu and Western Samoa; or within 21 days of export if the plywood/veneer has been manufactured in Fiji, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vanuatu or Western Samoa. Any timber packaging and dunnage not treated in accordance with ISPM 15 or plywood/veneer packaging not accompanied by a valid newly manufactured certification must have been treated offshore with one of the following treatments: a) methyl bromide# (T9047, T9075 or T9913) (refer to C5154); b) sulphuryl fluoride# (T9090); c) heat treatment# (T9912 or T9968); d) gamma irradiation (T9924) by an approved offshore provider; e) ethylene oxide (T9020) by an approved offshore provider; or f) permanent timber preservative treatment (T10023 or T10024) # treatments a) ? c) must be completed within 21 days of shipment or containerisation. Where the packing material is a combination of both solid wood and plywood there is a requirementthat both components be addressed. This has always been AQIS’s equirement and has not changed due to the new documentation policy.(updated 25 June 2009) |