(続) ノルウェー向けの木製梱包材に関する情報 ISPM REPORT

(続) ノルウェー向けの木製梱包材に関する情報

International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures ISPM REPORT No.06‐42
今週、ノルウェーの植物検疫機関と何度かE メールを交わしました。その結果分かったことは:-


農林水産省の植物防疫所Web サイトに「針葉樹製梱包材は植物検疫証明書(植物防疫所発行)を添付すること」と記載があります。


ノルウェー検疫局(Norwegian Food Safety Authority)アドバイザーMr. Willumsen のメールを紹介します。

略Regarding import inspection of cargoes from Japan:
Phytosanitary certificate is not required for wood packaging material actually in use in the transport ofobjects of all kinds.
Even so, the wooden pallets or other wooden packaging materials must be stripped of its bark, and befree from grub holes caused by the genus Monochamus. In addition, the moisturecontent of the wood asa percentage of dry matter, must have been less than 20% at the time of manufacture.
I can inform you that very few inspections have been carried out on woodpackaging materials (dunnageincluded) used in imported shipments, but we will in the coming months intensify our inspections. Ourmain concern is that untreated wood of Coniferales used in production ofwood packaging material may contain Pine Wood NematodePhytosanitary certificates must accompany consignments of wood, included pallets, if the wood has been obtained from Castanea, Coniferales, Populus or Querqus, and correspondswith the following CNnumbers: 441510, 441520. Consignments with pallets satisfying the standardfor UIC pallets are excempt from the requirement for phytosanitary certificates.As I explained in my earlier answer, IPPC-marking is not necessary yet,but probably will be so during 2007.At present, no phytosanitary certificate is required for wood packagingmaterial whether or notmarked with the IPPC-mark described in ISPM 15.略
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