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カリフォルニア州の環境規制法 合板梱包材もホルムアルデヒド規制の対象
- 2015/11/9

カリフォルニア州の環境規制法 合板梱包材もホルムアルデヒド規制の対象となる
International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures ISPM REPORT No.08‐12
6月にISPM Report No 08-06でお知らせしたように、米州カルフォルニア州では2009年1月よリホルムアルデヒド規制がスタートします。
「合板製品からのホルムアルデヒド排出規制」ACTM(AirbOrne Toxic Control Measure to Reduce Formaldehyde Emissions from Composhe Wood Products)は2008年4月に制定され、2009年1月1日から段階的に導入し、2012年に完全導入となります。
カリフォルニア環境保護局サイトよりQ&A http://www.arb.ca.gov/toxics/compwood/implementation/faq.htm#F.%20Imports 2009年以降に作製したパレットはACTM基準であること。 How will pallets be considered in the ATCM? Pallets made prior to 2009,would not be sub」ect to the ATCM For purposes ofthe ATCM,pallets are considered finished goods made by a fabricator Beginning in 2009,paWets made with composite wood products,such as industrial grade hardwood plywood would be subject to the rulemaking in California,and must be made with compliant materials and labeled as being legal for use and sale in California ln addition,any invoices which list the products being transacted must also list the pallet or shipping containers and indicate that all items listed comply with the ATCM. Therefore,pallets made after 2009 would be sub」ect to testing by CARB and the materials used to make pallets must meet applicable standards. 公聴会 Q&Aの一例 -Eastman Kodak社 質問: 梱包材やパレットに対する規則適用は配慮をして欲しい。梱包材に関しては適用除外とすぺきではないか。 一環境保護局 回答: そのような訳には行きません。 While some pallets and shipping crates are used in warehouses away from exposure to the general publici there are many instances in which there is potential for public exposure to formaldehyde emissions from wood used in making such packaging materials and pa? ets…. Thus,if packaging materials and pa? ets are made with composite wvood products for use in California,the composite wood products will need to comply with the emission standards in the ATCM Pallets and shipping creates made prior to the erective date of the emission standards can stili be used.For the purposes of the ATCM,paHets and crates are considered finished goods Pa? ets made after 2009 vvi? need to be constructed from complying composite wood products and labeled as specified in the ATCM. |